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Showing posts from March, 2012

Why Should Girls Play Softball?

Here are a few good reasons why I think girls should play softball in the springtime: 1. You don't have to be in shape. Running is minimal and only in short bursts between bases. 2. You get to play in dirt and get muddy. Yesss! In fact, good players often get the dirtiest. 3. You get to use your arms! What a waste the arms are in soccer except for the goalie. In softball, girls can use their arms and hands all of the time and it's not illegal! You catch, throw, and bat and get to use those arms. 4. You get to swing a bat! This is a skill for life. I even have a bat next to our front door for security purposes. If I hadn't played the game, I would have had to buy an alarm system for my house. Think of all of the money I saved! The girls will learn to use a bat properly and it may come in handy later in life. 5. You learn to accept individual blame for mistakes. In soccer, everything is the goalie's fault. In softball, every player gets to learn to deal with the